Vitamins and minerals can be obtained from various sources. On one hand, there are the pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins, minerals, and salts produced in chemical reactions and then purified. On the other hand, there are the natural, biological resources. Plants, which contain a high concentration of these micronutrients are harvested and then concentrated. The resulting extract is then highly enriched with the desired vitamin. Pharmaceutically manufactured, as well as natural vitamins, have their advantages and disadvantages. Pharmaceutically manufactured vitamins are usually in higher doses and have a longer expiration period. The higher dosage can be concentrated in smaller quantities, thereby reducing the required tablet size. They are also produced as pure vitamins, allowing for very simple and accurate dosing. As a drawback, they often have a lower bioavailability. Biological micronutrients have the advantage of better bioavailability, i.e. they are absorbed in the body much faster and better. They are usually better tolerated and represent a natural alternative due to their biological origin. As a disadvantage, even highly concentrated extracts still contain only small amounts of a particular vitamin. For this reason, a larger volume is needed to supply the body with a certain quantity of a vitamin. The tablet size is thus significantly bigger, particularly when it comes to supplying a multitude of different vitamins and minerals in one tablet. Your personalized micronutrient mixture takes advantage of both sources and combines them into a single product. A large proportion (about 80%) of the micronutrients that are used are from biological sources. This imparts a better bioavailability and an improved tolerability of the product.
The disadvantage is that a larger volume of micro-transporters must be taken as a daily dose. However, for better long-term stability, lower volume and more accurate dosing, some pharmaceutically manufactured vitamins and minerals are also used (about 20% of the total mixture). In this way, your personalized product offers the best of both micronutrient sources.
The magnesium used in your mixture is made from pure seawater and not chemically produced magnesium salts. Thus, it has better bioavailability and is free of contaminants.